Title I is a federally funded program to provide extra instructional services to support students in meeting the common core standards in reading, writing, and mathematics. In 2001 Title I was reauthorized through the No Child Left Behind legislation.
Title I is a supplemental service and does not replace classroom instruction. Our Title 1 staff works closely with classroom teachers to ensure the success of our students. The classroom teacher is providing the primary instruction to all children in the classroom, and Title 1 is giving additional small group literacy and math instruction.
Title I uses many screening procedures to identify students for the program, including: teacher observation, classroom interventions, pre and post mathematics assessment data, letter identification screening, Phonemic Awareness assessment, DRA 2, and the Fountas & Pinnell Benchmark Assessment System.
Information for parents/guardians on the program and to help your child at home will be made available through the Title I brochure, Annual Title 1 meeting, parent-teacher conferences, parent resource bulletin board, Core of the Apple articles, Title 1 surveys, school website, and our family literacy night.
Title I mandates parental involvement in its programs. We hope that by establishing a partnership between home and school we can help all students become learners for life. Please see the Home-School Compact below.

Home-school compact
The goal of the Home-School compact is to increase student learning. It outlines how the parents, staff and students will share responsibility to improve student achievement.
This compact describes how the school and parents will build a partnership to help children achieve success in reaching learning goals. Parents will be asked to provide input on the compact as we assess its impact at our school.
Teachers & Administrator responsibilities include:
- Recognizing students as individuals with different learning styles and needs
- Provide quality instruction and curriculum in a supportive learning environment
- Use current and successful methods of instruction
- Provide supplemental materials to be used at home
- Have high expectations for all students
- Involve parents in school decisions regarding their child's learning
- Communicate with parents on an on-going basis
Parent responsibilities include:
- Please make sure your child comes to school each day and on time.
- Try to schedule appointments out of school time.
- Attend parent-teacher conferences
- Provide a time and a place to do homework
- Monitor screen time
- Read and respond to notices sent home

Meet the title 1 staff
Mrs. Laurie O'Brien, 3-5 Literacy
Mrs. Traci Lehan, K-5 Mathematics
Mrs. Angela McGlaughlin, K-5 Literacy & Reading Recovery